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Jiangsu Province, new wall materials certificate

發(fā)布時間:2014-08-28   點擊率:2616

  April 2014 re-apply for a Certificate of Jiangsu Province wall materials of different specifications: B04, B05, B06, B07, autoclaved aerated concrete slab (B05 wall panels, wall panels, B06 Roof slab). Company in 2012 to handle the Jiangsu construction projects to promote scientific and technological achievements certificate (2012) 270: autoclaved aerated concrete block from the insulation system. October 2012 by the National Fire Protection Material Quality Supervision and Inspection Center finds that the material reaches the combustion performance class A1. Products (blocks) Executive standard: GB / T11968-2006, (plates) Executive standard: GB15762-2008 company through enterprise has passed ISO9001 and ISO14000 international certification system.

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